Women & Health


Easing the Symptoms of PMS, Perimenopause and Menopause with Cannabis

Premenstrual syndrome, perimenopause, and menopause are all natural parts of women’s reproductive cycles and each come with their own set of discomforts, disruptions, anxieties and …


DIY Recipe: Heartwarming Rosebud Green Tea Infused with CBD

There is something about taking a moment, especially during a particularly stressful day and making a warm cuppa tea can make almost anything just a …


Detox into the New Year with Cannabis, an Infrared Sauna and a Vegan Plant-Based Diet

It’s a new year – out with the old, and in with new. And a short detox that promises to cleanse the body and reset …


From Cannabis to Kelp: Hot & Healthy Food Trends for 2021

2020 has changed the way we think about food. From brand-new cooks trying their hand at homemade meals, home-baked bread pictures on Facebook, to a …


The Top 5 Health and Wellness Trends for 2021

COVID-19 has gripped the world for much of 2020, transforming the way we work and live. But as people worldwide struggle to cope with the …


3 Combinations of Terpenes and Vitamins to Beat Stress, Insomnia and Chronic Pain

Biting into a fresh, juicy orange is a tasty way to get your daily dose of immune-boosting Vitamin C, but that orange also contains a …


Supporting the Immune System During Cold and Flu Season with Plant-Based Supplements

Although you can get sick any time of the year, cold and flu season typically lasts from as early as October through as late as …


Is It Safe for Pregnant Women to Take CBD?

Cannabidiol (CBD) has well-documented benefits for many health conditions. Research shows that this calming cannabinoid works with the body’s natural system of endocannabinoid receptors to …


Can Cannabis Help With Hot Flashes?

Hot flashes are the bane of many women in their menopausal years. But while we most often associate hot flashes with older women, the reality …


Cannabis-Based Gel Could Reduce Painful Sex for Women

Women’s sexuality has been a topic of study for thousands of years. And according to researchers, the mechanisms that lead to sexual arousal and overall …


Microdosing Cannabis for a More Blissful Menopause

Night sweats. Anxiety. Irritability. Sleeplessness. Brain fog. Sound familiar? These are common symptoms of menopause, changes in women’s bodies that signal the end of our …


Healthier Cannabis Edibles for Health-Conscious Women

When you think of cannabis edibles, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Is it those questionable hash brownies passed around the college dorm …