

What type oral product and what dose is recommended for partially controlled siezures in a 45 year old female?

There are many studies in support of CBD for patients with epilepsy. Products with CBD are best supported by the literatue to have helped patients …


6 Marijuana Strains for Day & Night to Support Women’s Health

The saying “men are from Mars and women are from Venus” may have started as a lighthearted comment to highlight the differences between temperaments in …


A Holistic Approach to Living With Menopause

Let’s face it: For most women, menopause is no fun. This stage of a woman’s life can come with mood swings, abdominal pain, hot flashes, …


5 Ways Marijuana Affects Men & Women Differently

As more and more states legalize marijuana, we’re able to collect additional anecdotal evidence about how the plant affects consumers. We’re also getting more data …


Cannabis Use for Women’s Health Through the Ages

The idea of medicinal cannabis might be more popular than it’s ever been in modern history, but it’s hardly a new concept. In fact, cannabis …


How the Endocannabinoid System Affects Women’s Health

It’s hard to believe we’re still making new discoveries about the endocannabinoid system (ECS), even though it occurs naturally in virtually all animals and influences …


Women’s Health & Marijuana: PMS, Dysmenorrhea & Menopause

Whether it’s feeling depressed in the days leading up to your period, experiencing painful cramps during menstruation or lying in bed awake due to hot …

Question and Answer

Do you have a discount code for renewals? I use the Medicine Woman


Wempowered: A Women's Cannabis Networking Event Addressing Policy & Regulations

WEmpowered, the cannabis networking group for female entrepreneurs, met for a second time on July 27th at Big Rock in San Francisco. It was an …


Does cannabis affects fertility of men and women?

The topic of cannabinoids and their effect on fertility in men and women is still a topic of some controversy. When a Pubmed review was …


Does cannabis affect the fertility of men and women?

Studies have shown that cannabis consumption may affect fertility in men and women, however these studies most often focus on subjects engaging in heavy recreational …


Wempowered: A New Women's Networking Event

Wempowered: An Ongoing Event Series for Women On Thursday May 25, Wempowered met for the the first time at Gateway Incubator in Oakland. Wempowered, which …

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