

Cannabis May Ease Vaginal Infections & Their Symptoms

We looked at the different types of vaginal infections, how they’re traditionally treated and whether cannabis can help manage the symptoms.


What product would be beneficial for severe vaginal dryness and pain for a woman with menopause?

Some strains of cannabis can cause vaginal dryness. Any strains that cause you to experience dry mouth would dry up your mucous membranes causing more …


Oh, My Aging Skin: How CBD Can Help

I’ve never wanted to be that mature woman whose response to “How are you?” was “Oh, my aching back.” I also didn’t want to look …


Can Cannabis Help Defend Against Endometrial Cancer?

Endometrial cancer (EC), the most common gynecologic cancer in the U.S., is on the rise. This year, the American Cancer Society estimates 63,280 women will …


How Women Can Use Marijuana as a Mood Lifter

Mood swings, anxiety, depression—women approaching or over 40 often find that hormonal changes can wreak havoc on their mental and emotional state. And you thought …


5 Alternative Approaches to Managing Painful Periods

Painful periods have plagued women of all backgrounds for millennia. Yet for something that’s so frequently experienced, the scientific evidence on how to alleviate this …


Menopause & Painful Sex: How Cannabis Can Help

Menopause may cause painful sex. There, I said it. Sex often hurts once your body changes due to the hormone fluctuations brought about by menopause. …


How Cannabis Helped Solve My Menopause-Induced Insomnia

When I began going into menopause, I wasn’t sure what to do. All I knew is that I didn’t want to take pharmaceuticals to treat …


Can Mothers Turn to Cannabis to Ease Postpartum Depression?

Pregnancy and motherhood can be wonderful—but both come with distinct challenges. For thousands of recent mothers, the reality of their new life manifests in postpartum …


Ellementa Women Talk About Sex & Cannabis

You may have heard that marijuana and sex go well together—especially for women—but if you’re thinking of trying out this concept for the first time, …


Is Cannabis Safe for Breastfeeding Moms?

When considering that medical patients use cannabis to find relief from nausea and pain every day, it’s not hard to imagine how the herb might …


Can Marijuana Help With Endometriosis?

Endometriosis is a disorder where tissue that normally lines the endometrium—the mucous membrane lining of the uterus—grows in other places, like the ovaries or Fallopian …

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