

Addiction question

"My husband and I are trying a CBD/THC tincture 20 to 1 for pain management. We each started with five drops a day as recommended …


Looking for dosing options and / or Dr. who will work with a heroin addict to wean off with CBD.

"Addict has been using CBD twice a day for a few weeks and now is ready to start weaning off of herion. Need help in …


can CBD oil help with valium withdrawal or would in worsen or prolong the symptoms.

"Been on valium for 2 weeks, 2.5 to 5mg everyother day as needed.. Feel horrible after a day not taking it. I want off but …


Opioid addiction rehabilitation

" "


How Cannabis Can Break the Cycle of Opioid Abuse

The American opioid epidemic claims nearly a hundred lives a day to overdose deaths. The cycle of abuse and dependence affects millions more as people …

Question and Answer

What is the best way to mitigate the dipilating effects of Pregabalin withdrawal?

From my experience – not with pregabalin specifically – very small doses of cannabis can be quite effective is managing some of the withdrawal symptoms. …


I stopped taking cymbalta a week ago and may be in withdrawal.

"Is it safe for me to start using my CBD vape oil now? It is 18-1 concentration." Cymbalta withdrawal can be debilitating and can last …


What can you recommend for increasing appetite and putting on weight?

"I am using cannabis to help stop my addiction to hydrocodone; I’m wasting away though. Any advice on maintaining and increasing my weight would be …


What should I use to help with SSRI withdrawal?

"Hi. I’m tapering Cymbalta, Viibryd, Seroquel and Klonopin, 2% each, holding for 3 weeks between tapers. I’m having hell with my 2nd 2% over the …


Help with heroin addiction

"I am looking for a product to help in recovery from heroin addiction. I live in Texas. Is it possible for me to find a …


I have an inflammed bladder due to paxil withdrawal.

"I am trying to get off of Paxil, for the third time, to have a baby. I have inflammation of bladder. I never had this …


How to relieve the symptoms of medication withdrawal?

"In conjunction with starting the use of cannabis to help with PTSD. I started to taper off my medications for depression and anxiety. With my …

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