

I smoke 2 bowls every day, how much water do I need to drink for it get out of my system in 2 weeks.

"Need to pass this UA" Hi there! Please keep in mind that the amount of water you need to consume to flush out cannabinoids will …


Is CBD safe for cats? Does it relieve pain for them?

"I think my cat has kidney failure. Before she came to me she was fed dry cat food. She now urinates copiously and spends time …


Can Smoking Marijuana Cause Loss of Sight?

"Recently, I smoked a fair amount of marijuana (about 3-4 hits), and then proceeded to smoke some more about 3 hours later. After two hits, …


Hydrocephalus in Ohio

"How do I get a medical Marijuana card for a minor who has water on the brain in Ohio? Ive been searching for how to …


Which is more healthy smoking through a vape pen or a bong with water?

"Thanks" maybe vape trusting-bedbug-163


What is the point of using oil AND water when making cannabis coconut oil?

Hello, adding water helps to regulate the temperature and prevents the butter from scorching. After simmering the water, oil and ground cannabis, strain the product …


Can I mix CBD oil in water?

Oil and water do not typically mix. You might consider using an alcohol based CBD tincture that would easily dissolve in water. andrewvanmd

Question and Answer

How does it produce such large clouds of vapor? And is any THC lost through water filtration?

"I’ve used and looked in to quite a few vapes and don’t believe I’ve seen cloud production this good. Does using water increase cloud production? …

Question and Answer

Is popcorn lung related to vaping?

"It feels like when using a vape PEN, I have much worse respiratory reactions – like severe coughing, wheezing, tightness of the chest, shortening of …


smoking marijuana from a water pipe

"I recently tried an average sized glass bong to smoke my weed in. I have found that it causes more wheezing than a regular pipe …


Are these just for dogs or can lizards eat these?

"My first chinese water dragon (Jackie Chan) is used to living alone. I just got another one (Bruce Lee), and he seems to be stressing …

Question and Answer

I love to run my vape through a water pipe to cool the vapor. Any plans to make a FF2 attachment for bubblers?

I think that this is unlikely. The FireFly2 vaporizer has a very long vaporizer path consisting of borosilicate glass leading to a metal mouthpiece. The …

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