

Need help to deal with father's pain related to spinal stenosis and arthritis.

" I have an 82 year old father who has both spinal stenosis and arthritis. His condition has continued to deteriorate for the past 7 …

Alzheimer's Disease

CBD for motor problems in dementia?

"I have read this: (copy paste) ‘To treat movement problems (Huntington’s disease, Parkinson’s, dementia): 3 to 5 mg of CBD oil per pounds of body …


How long until I find relief from CBD oil? I have sciatica and can hardly walk any more

Hi, It really depends, as everyone’s biochemistry is unique. Typically, CBD oil taken consistently has a cumulative effect–best results occur in 2-3 months. A few …


Renew Medical Rec?

"Should I renew my medical rec? Starting in 2018, I can walk into a dispensary and purchase what I need, so why should I renew …

Question and Answer

I can't get in to get my Recommendation to your website … please walk me thru this


Can cannabis be used to treat a sleep walking disorder?

Sleepwalking, formally known as somnambulism, results in walking or performing other complex behaviors while asleep; it is much more common in children than in adults; …


THC for multiple sclerosis?

"my mom was diagnosed with ms 17 years ago, she has 80% damage to both of her legs and has been taking pills to relief …


Can cannabis help my chronic back pain and neuropathy?

"I need something to help me with pain in my back, and I have severe neuropathy in my feet, legs and hands! I can hardly …


With diffuse glioma (brain tumor)and symptom of weak muscles, will SRO help?

"My husband went from Texas to San Diego; got SRO MMJ. Had trouble walking onto the plane–finally managed with help. On the first day in …


Do treatibles work for mini pigs?

"I just got a mini pig and we’ve just started harness training him. He gets a bit nervous when we head outdoors for a walk, …


What does having a card protect me from being arrested from?

"If an officer stops me when Im out in the world smoking, what is and isnt allowed? Can I be hiking? What if I live …


Can MMJ help me with subtle but yet insomnia causing pain on my left knee?

"1 yr ago i fell off my skateboard in some freak accident, it ended up me landing on my left knee right on a sidewalk …