

3 Popular Marijuana Questions Answered on HelloMD

At HelloMD we talk to a lot of patients and what we’ve learned over time is that people have a lot of questions in regards …


Suggestions for shoulder surgery?

"I currently need shoulder surgery. But I won’t be getting surgery until sometime next year. I currently take one 10mg Vicodin before I go workout …


What CBD do you recommend for the equivalent of 500mg of vicodin (chronic skeletal pain)

Since I am a physician because I originally did not trust physicians and I felt the only way to overcome that was to become the …


I want to get a card to explore pain medication alternatives to pain pills.

"Have had two knee replacements within nine weeks and don’t like the effects of vicodin for pain manement." I have been in a lot of …


I'm having surgery and want to avoid pain meds and I'd love some suggestions?

"THC tends to make me anxious. Is there a suggestion of how to use marijuana to help with pain and allow me to avoid excessive …


Discharged by PCP for POSSESSING a Medicinal Cannabis ID Card

"I went to my required 3 month "follow-up" appt with the Nurse Practitioner at my PCP’s office on Fri. 20 Feb. 2016. I take big …


Can I use cannabis as a replacement for Vicodin?

"I suffer from chronic back pain and have been using vicodin. However, my doctor has stated that I need to end my reliance on this …


Can Marijuana Help Solve the Heroin & Prescription Opioid Crisis?

Heroin and prescription opioid addiction is hitting record numbers in the U.S. We largely treat these addictions with more opiates like methadone and Suboxone. But …

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