

Is it safe for a prostate cancer patient to use CBD/THC along with Viagra?

"I have researched the issue of CYP3A4 with CBD and Viagra. It seems a scary and risky mix. The surgeon wants him on the Viagra …

Question and Answer

If I use marijuana before bedtime, will it be advisable to use Viagra in the morning?

"Are there any interactions I should be aware of?" Viagra works by dilating blood vessels in the pelvis, and can have serious side effects if …

Question and Answer

Will using Explore interfere with ED meds?

"I’m a 60 year old man who uses viagra because of ED. Just wondering if the relaxing effects of Explore might counteract the effectiveness of …


Can you mix marijuana with viagra?

"They warn you against taking nitrates, but I guess cannabis should be fine right?" Marijuana and viagra are both metabolized by cytochrome CYP3A4, but neither …

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