

can CBD oil help with valium withdrawal or would in worsen or prolong the symptoms.

"Been on valium for 2 weeks, 2.5 to 5mg everyother day as needed.. Feel horrible after a day not taking it. I want off but …


Is cannabis oil good for insomnia and can it be taken with valium?

Cannabis oil is great for insomnia, however both cannabis and benzodiazepine medications can have strong sedative effects on the brain. I would recommend against taking …


Can I obtain a California medical marijuana card through your organization?

"I have prescriptions for insomnia (Lunesta, Valium) but have tried indica cannabis edible while in Colorado and found it more effective than prescriptions. I also …


Is there any problem taking edibles if I've already taken a Valium (5mg)?

"I just picked up Sativa and Indica at my local dispensary but they were unsure of the Valium question. " You should consult with an …


How do I use medical marijuana to taper from valium? Sleep almost non-existent.

Cannabis is an excellent sleep aide. I would taper very slowly and under the direction of the physician who prescribed the valium. Abruptly stopping Benzodiazepines …


After hip surgery I have intense nerve pain down my leg. High THC exacerbates the pain. I want a solution.

"I want to use marijuana instead of narcotics but I am very sensitive to THC. It often makes pain worse and causes anxiety for me. …

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