Ulcerative Colitis


My son is 11 and diagnosed with ulcerative colitis at 3years old. He is currently


What is a good strain for Crohns and Ulcerative Colitis?

"My son was just diagnosed with Crohns 4 years after having his colon removed for Ulcerative Colitis, edibles don’t work for him because they go …


Which is better for inflammation and pain from ulcerative colitis, hemp oil or cannabis oil?

Hemp and cannabis are very closely related plants but the terms typically refer to very different kinds of medicine. If you are looking at hemp …


colitis and CBD

"I have Ulcerative colitis, I am interested in using products like CBD that are not psycho-active, are there others products like this? I found a …


I Have Ulcerative Colitis. Can Marijuana Help?

As you may know, there are a large number of products on the market. For your colitis, I would start you on a CBD tincture …


Can cannabis be used for constipation and bloating related to IBS?

"I have IBS and ulcerative colitis with bloating and constipation. Do you have a marijuana recommendation for immediate relief as well as something that may …


Can I get effectively self drug test

"I may need to pass a drug test for cannabis, despite having a California medical card, and managed ulcerative colitis. I have tried test strips …


Can my my daughter us CBD oil as a replacement for Remicade?

"My Daughter has Ulcerative Colitis. She is on Remicade but still has bleeding. I have heard about CBD oil. We live in New Jersey . …