

Does cannabis oil heal cancer?

No. There have never been any studies or documentation that any type of cannabis can cure cancer in humans. THere have been suggestions in the …


Does cannabis cure stage 4 colon cancer?

Hi there! We still need to conduct some more research before we can determine if cannabis can cure cancer completely. However, check out our article …


what type of canabis oil for stage 4 cancer patient

There have never been any studies or documentation that any type of cannabis can cure cancer in humans. THere have been suggestions in the laboratory …


How can I get a doctor to let me use some type of marijuana? I am going through radiation & oral chemo

"Right now for colorectal cancer. Having a hard time with staying asleep and some pain. I don’t like to take pain killers and that is …


What is the best product for cancer patients?

"My mom has Stage 4 Bile Duct Cancer which is very aggressive. Traditional medicine will not work for her. Her oncologist already determined that chemotherapy …


Stage IV rectal cancer needs what strain to help immune system fight fatigue and Herpes 2 oral symptoms?

Have you had chemotherapy? Chemotherapy kills cancer cells as well as damaging healthy cells and may account for your fatigue and if so I would …


I have brain cancer would cdb help with my headaches and nerve pains

Yes cannabis can help with brain cancer, headaches and nerve pains. The cannabinoids (CBD, THC, CBN, CBG and many others) work best when they are …


Which products would be good in relief of pain due to stage 4 rectal cancer

"looking for pain relief due to stage 4 rectal cancer that has metastasized to spinal and pelvic bone." I would look into taking "rick simpson …

Breast Cancer

What is the maintenance dose for:

"I had stage 1 estrogen receptive breast cancer. Clear for now, but Tamoxifen has terrible side effects and on blood thinner, Xarelto. So would 15 …


Use of CBD with pets

"Looking to get more information on using "product" for our young dog’s cancer. Don’t know if it’s metastasized, but the mass was aggressive, her second …

Breast Cancer

Does cannabis eliminate breast cancer on the skin?

Preparations of cannabis have shown promise in treating cancerous growths on the skin as well as internally. In conjunction with conventional therapies it can be …


Hello to all of your specified doctors & knowledgable health researchers with cannabis.

"This question replied my mothered life . A lateness exposure to colorectal cancer. At the moment stands less then 48 h before clinical removable surgery …