

Can cannabis help treat uterine cancer?

"What’s the current consensus? Any studies on the matter?" Cannabis can help treat cancer. Many patients have reported benefits from using cannabis, and the science …


Does cannabis heal skin cancer?

"If so, what protocol of products and dosing can you advise?" Cannabis has been shown to be helpful in healing skin lesions and abnormal growths. …


CBD oil works for Cervical cancer?

"For Cervical cancer what would be the approx idea ratio of CBD:THC? I know there is no standard but an approx. The hemp oil on …


For Cervical cancer what would be the approx idea ratio of CBD:THC?

"For Cervical cancer what would be the approx idea ratio of CBD:THC? I know there is no standard but an approx. The hemp oil on …

Breast Cancer

Can you recommend the best cannabis oil to treat secondary estrogen positive breast cancer?

This certainly seems like a very scary question that you’re asking. Are you really asking for a cannabis oil to treat breast cancer that has …

Breast Cancer

Should I stop using cannabis oil if it's making my pain worse?

"I have breast cancer and have pain in my leg as a result. Whenever I use cannabis oil, my leg seems to hurt more. Should …

Breast Cancer

treating estrogen positive breast cancer with CBD

"I’m interested in using the purest form of CBD oil to treat estrogen positive breast cancer. I would like to know what the best way …


Can High CBD Help Brain Tumor Seizures?

CBD has anti-convulsant and well as anti-tumor activity. As with any medication, its effect varies from patient to patient. It would certainly be reasonable to …


Best product for cancer (brain)?

"My son was diagnosed with trilateral retinoblastoma. The prognosis is poor but we are not going down without a fight. What marijuana products could help …


I am 65 yrs. old with prostate cancer on a fixed income with medicare/medicaid

"I have all appropriate ID, records, etc. & am eligible for medical cannabis and need a recommendation. I have been diagnosed (1/30/17) with prostate cancer …

Breast Cancer

how can I order cannibus for my migrains and breast cancer in Idaho

Unfortunately, medical cannabis remains illegal in Idaho. You can read more here: https://norml.org/laws/item/idaho-penalties However, if you were to travel to a legal state, such as …


What sort of experience is there with prostate cancer and microdosing?

If you are asking if there is any evidence that micro dosing can “cure” prostate cancer I would have to say no. However if there …