

Does using a CBD-only tincture have any negative impact on your colon?

"I’ve previously had colon cancer." Hello. I’m sorry to hear that. However, congratulations on beating cancer and being a survivor. A study published in the …


Can taking megadoses of vitamin C along with cannabis oil cure cancer?

NO There is no evidence that cannabis oil cures cancer but the high CBDs may discourage cancer from setting up it’s blood supply and it …

Breast Cancer

What ratio of CBD to THC is necessary for oestrogen+ and progesterone+ and HER2+ breast cancer

Question and Answer

Can cannabis help for shrink tumors?

"Specifically, I have one on my optic nerve. If marijuana can help, what type and/or concentration of CBD:THC should I be using?" Whole plant cannabis …


Will high-CBD with THC capsules will work for any or all of my conditions?

"Specifically, capsules with high-CBD with 1 mg of THC. I have Multiple Myeloma with a tumor within my L5 disc in lower back, plus sciatica …


Our dog has lymphoma. Does anyone know a good cancer treatment for dogs?

According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, Dr. Kramer, a California Vet believes there’s ample evidence to support using marijuana in veterinary patients as an …


New Research Shows Cannabis Inhibits Growth of Cancerous Tumors

A new study from St. George’s University of London, recently published in the International Journal of Oncology, shows that cannabinoids may be able to help …


Are you aware of any medical doctors in Toronto, Canada using cannabis for cancer treatment?

Personally, I do not know of any doctors in Canada but I do have a copy of 2/2013,Canada’s "Information for Health Care Professionals" and it …


Does CBD oil help rid the body of cancer?

According to the American Cancer Society: "More recently, scientists reported that THC and other cannabinoids such as CBD slow growth and/or cause death in certain …


Can eating cannabis edibles cause cancer?

There is currently no evidence that shows that eating cannabis edibles can cause cancer. On the contrary, according to the American Cancer Association, studies so …


Can smoking cannabis cause cancer?

"Can smoking cannabis cause cancer " Unlike tobacco, there have been no definitive studies linking smoked cannabis with lung cancer. (Although there is definitely a …


Does cannabis cure thyroid cancer?

No. Cannabis does not cure cancer but cannabis can combine with cancer treatment to potentially slow the growth and spread of cancer and it will …