

Is there any evidence that cannabis cures cancer?

There is plenty on evidence that indicates that cannabis treats the symptoms of cancer such as nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, pain, depression, anxiety, insomnia. …


Does cannabis help cure bladder cancer?

There has been research into cannabis and cancer. Check out you tube and Dr. Christina Sanchez from Spain, also Israel has alot of into. I …


how does cannabis help to cure bladder cancer?

What I found by researching this topic on pubmed is that to date, there are quite a few studies completed IN VITRO which have found …


What do you recommend for bladder cancer?

I would recommend a CBD:THC ratio of 20:1 twice daily every day for chronic inflammation/cancer if you need to function and cannot be "high". You …


Can vaping CBD cause pneumonia or cancer?

Not under normal circumstances would CBD cause pneumonia or cancer and in fact CBD’s maybe used to treat pneumonia or cancer since the CBD’s stop …


Can CBD help someone with glioblastoma?

"i’m post surgery and am currently taking 1000 mg hemp oil tincture 2 times a day" Here is an article on cannabis and glioblastoma. You …

Breast Cancer

What do you recommend for breast cancer in a dog?

I would recommend a whole plant cannabis solution that includes turmeric and ginger. Better Pet Relief is a whole plant, non-psychoactive pet relief product designed …


What strains of cannabis do you recommend for the side effects of cancer treatment?

"Currently getting infusions every 3 weeks and have chronic arm and leg itching coupled with insomnia." Cannabis can help make cancer treatment more tolerable. For …


Can you recommend a CBD oil that is extracted without the use of neurotoxic materials?

"Also, what is the recommended dose for a cancer patient?" Hello. ‘CBD Biocare’ and ‘CBD Integrity and Trust’ are two companies among many, that state …


What is the best product for a stage 4 malignant glioma brain tumor?

My opinion…a concentrated THC oil. Here is a link to an article by Dr. Bonni Goldstein https://www.beyondthc.com/cannabis-vs-glioma-another-encouraging-anecdote/ PiantaTinta


What do you recommend for a dog with cancer?

"We have a pitbull dog approx. nine years old and 87 lbs. We recently found out he has cancer and would like to use cannabis …


Can someone help me with brain cancer? I have an ogliodendroglioma.

I’ve read studies showing that Cannabinoids, the active components of Cannabis sativa, have been shown to exert antiproliferative and proapoptotic effects on a wide spectrum …