

How Is Chemotherapy Used to Treat Cancer

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best product for cancer

While cannabis appears to have many potentially beneficial effects for patients with cancer, no actual parameters for successfully treating cancer with any type of cannabis …


Alternative methods of taking cannabis oil

"A friend of mine was recently diagnosed with Stage 4a throat/jaw cancer. Someone gave him a thick, brown tar-like cannabis oil to try. He says …


What ratio of THC/CBD is best for pancreatic cancer?

Using cannabis as a treatment for cancer is still very much a matter of folk medicine, which just means there is no clinical science to …


Hi There,

"Ive been looking online for a store in Oregon which has a high THC content. One that I found with 75% THC and 7.5% CBD …


Hi There,

"My Mums recently been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer, it’s pretty far along and so I’ve been researching for days. I’m looking at starting …


What would you recommend for a stage 4 cancer patient?

Hello. Our Chief Medical Officer Perry Solomon, MD, answered a similar question (click on the link below to see the full answer). He writes: "There …


I would like to know the best ratio for helping in cancer and where to buy. Live in Nevada


What is best for stimulating appetite and curtailing nausea? My sister in law has an intense form of cancer .

Hi there! I’m sorry to hear about your sister-in-law’s condition. Please check out this previously answered question and these articles on the subject: Loss of …


Which type of Cannabis and what formulation are good for moderate to severe neuropathic pain?

"Sciatic nerve (specifically, L5 and S1 nerves) is damaged due to cancer treatment (cryoablation) causing moderate to severe neuropathic pain in the foot, specifically in …


What is the best cannabis treatment for bone cancer?

Hi there! I’m sorry to hear about this diagnosis. Although there is no evidence that cannabis can cure cancer, there is significant support that it …


What is the best type of cannabis to increase appetite?

"Young man with a brain tumor pressing on his pituitary gland, has no appetite, losing weight rapidly." Below is a link to a Q&A from …