

Is anyone taking cannabis for a glioblastoma (GBM) brain tumor? What ratios and dosages are being used?

Cannabis is helpful for many medical conditions, including brain tumors, such as Glioblastoma Multiforme. It is very helpful in treating the side effects from conventional …


What is the best form of consumption for people with liver cancer. Scared edibles are bad for the liver.

Cannabis can be helpful in treating liver dysfunction. Many studies have shown that cannabis can protect the liver from fibrosis and treat the symptoms of …


Can cannabis cure my prostate cancer?

"In Switzerland they want me for surgery of the prostate, which I refuse, because I can’t believe in healing. I intend to come to California, …


Is the rectal usage of Hemp Oil – any good?

"Rectal usage of Hemp Oil / Rick Simpson Oil (with high THC) is recommended a lot because of various advantages (higher absorption and lesser high). …


Squamous Cell Carcinoma Matastisis to Lymph Nodes, will topical cannibis lotion help, follow up

"Cannibis topical to tumor, squamous cell carcinoma. Dr. Vandeveer answered my first question, thank you very much. Just to be clear my sister has vaginal …


Getting Desperate with Breast Cancer MMJ

"My GF has stage four breast cancer. The doctors gave up on her. 3 and 1/2 weeks ago started her on a regimen (prescribed by …


Would a topical cannibis cream help reduce tumor on side of face/ squamous cell carcinoma

"My sister has squamous cell carcinoma of the vagina that has spread to various lymph nodes, lungs and liver. She has developed a large tumor …

Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer MMJ Question

"My girlfriend is dealing with stage 4 breast cancer. We hired an MMJ consultant 3 weeks ago and started her on RSO – 1:1 CDB:THC. …

Breast Cancer

My girlfriend is dealing with stage 4 breast cancer

"We hired an MMJ consultant 3 weeks ago and started her on RSO – 1:1 CDB:THC. She was doing around 10 mg. sublingually three times …

Breast Cancer

Does cbd oil interact with Anastrozole? Should my mom wait until after surgery to start taking cbd oil?

"My mom has breast cancer and she’s interested in taking cbd oil. She’s taking 1mg of Anastrozole a day. Would there be any kind of …


I heard that most cancer patients die of malnutrition. Is this true?

"Is it better to take a drug like Marinol, or is smoking bud just as good?" Firstly not all cancers kill you. More then 50% …


Is there any real evidence that cannabis oil can control or get rid of skin cancer?

"I have read that cannabis oil can get rid of certain types of skin cancers, but I am skeptical to believe the hype. Can it …