

is an overdose of thc harmful for brain cancer?

If you are speaking about a "overdose" of cannabis, there really is no such thing. There has never been a reported death from using cannabis. …


What is best for cancer and the pain from it?

It depends on the nature of the pain, but I would suggest trying cannabis in many forms inhaled (smoked or vaped), sublingual tincture, edibles, suppositories, …


How many suppositories should I use weekly?

Cannabis is an extremely safe herb and has never caused an overdose death. You can increase the dose without any fear of hurting your mother. …


I have just been diagnosed with lung cancer. Will the cannabis treatment have any bad affects during Chemo.

Sorry about the news, I’m sure that was difficult to hear! From my experience of seeing my aunt go through the lung cancer treatments wih …


What are the benefits of taking cannabis oil in conjunction with my other cancer treatments?

"Going through chemo and have heard cannabis oil may help too. I plan to stay on my doctor’s plan. How is cannabis oil beneficial?" Cannabis …


With diffuse glioma (brain tumor)and symptom of weak muscles, will SRO help?

"My husband went from Texas to San Diego; got SRO MMJ. Had trouble walking onto the plane–finally managed with help. On the first day in …


How do I get a Medical Marijuana card for a relative with terminal lung cancer

You should have your friend create an account with us under his / her name and we can connect them with a doctor. If they …


How do I get medical majuana on behalf of someone else?

"I have a brother in a condition of home hospice who is in considerable pain from terminal lung cancer. He would like to try medical …


I am a 64 yr old man. I have an implant for sexual activity, but it does not work, lots of pain.

"Since using medical cannabis for 4 months for cancer, diabetes and fibro myalgia with great success, I am interested in being sexual without using the …


I have read that THC (RSO) is not absorbed when using it in a suppository. Some doctors say it is not absorbed

"I did not get a direct answer when I asked earlier. My husband has brain cancer and I read two articles by Dr. Allan Frankel, …


Palliative Measure?

"My boy, Apollo, suffered immensely the night before he died of cancer. Would these have helped prevent his suffering if administered as a palliative source? …


What do you recommend for someone fighting stage 4 colon cancer?

Has your colon cancer spread to your liver? Both CBD and THC fight cancer but typically you can’t stay high all the time unless you’re …