
Breast Cancer

Looking for non-psychoactive pain relief

"Breast cancer patient, finished with Chemo, had 1st surgery, next surgery in 4 months. Want to stop using prescribed opiate pain killers, but need to …


Can Cannabis Shrink Tumors: Mike Voss Thinks So

Cannabis was always something Mike Voss, director of sales for the Venice Cookie Company, had enjoyed—through his youth and adulthood. But it took on new …


What is the most accurate dose of CBD/THC for stage 4 Hodgkin’s lymphoma?

"wh is the most accurate dose of CBD/THC for stage 4 Hodgkin’s lymphoma cancer "


Would this be good for a stage four cancer patient?

" She’s at home now with some hospice care. " Hello, I’m sorry for the suffering you and your family are enduring. While the evolving …


Is an alcohol based cannabis tincture safe to use in conjunction with morphine, larazepam and Prozac for a cancer patient?

Hello, Yes, there is no need for concern about drug interactions, nor the miniscule amount of alcohol. I wish you well. drkim


Cancer Claim Definitive Questions



Cannabis and Bladder Cancer

Here is a link to a similar question that one of our doctors answered about bladder cancer: https://www.hellomd.dev/answers/59b1940c1a5caf1d53dd74fb/what-do-you-recommend-for-bladder-cancer nsavelli Hello, A study published in The …


Do you have recommendations for radiation and chemo patients?

"My father has recently been diagnosed with Colon cancer and will be doing 5 1/2 weeks of radiation and chemo before surgery. I am hoping …


can you vape with lung cancer?

Hello, I’m really sorry to hear about your diagnosis. While there are no studies involving the matter, I strongly recommend that you abstain from vaporizing …


Cannabis for cats

"What is the best ratio of cbd/thc for a 12 year old cat with a cancerous tumor? She’s about 9lbs. " Hello, I’m sorry to …


I have cancer in my mouth, under tongue. Although I place the CBD /THC under my


Looking for suggestions for managing pain and also shrinking a tumor.

"What suggestions are there for managing headaches associated with a brain tumor and also potentially shrinking the size of the tumor. " Please, explore this …