
Question and Answer

R-U living like a Trump by cash inheritance from mommy or Daddy death?



Are your recommendations accepted by state government? Or doctors?


What cannabis administration method is best for someone with throat problems?

Hello, if swallowing is an issue, then I would recommend that you use a vaporizer. The desktop units such as The Volcano or Da Buddah …


Trump Speaks About Medical Marijuana

The Cannabis Industry Holds Its Breath President Donald Trump has taken a public stand on cannabis for the first time since taking office. During his …


When will doctors advocate for medical cannabis patients getting "special help" to pay for meds?

"Social security gives "special help" to low income recipients who need help to be able to afford their meds. Currently I pay very little for …


Four Governors Stand Up For the Future of Cannabis

The Governor’s Letter The Governors from Alaska, Colorado, Washington, and Oregon have sent a letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin …


Attorney General Sessions May Uphold States' Rights in Regards to Marijuana

Imminent Cannabis Crackdown: Maybe Not Jeff Sessions, vocal anti-marijuana advocate and current Attorney General of the United States, has recently reassured senators that there will …


Who does HelloMD share my information with?

"Does having a card prohibit or keep citizens from enjoying NRA rights? " HelloMD does not share your information with anyone. It is held is …


What's the deal with having to choose between opiates & MMJ?

"At my last medical provider appointment for a new script I was told I had to sign a very restrictive FEDERAL government contract taking my …


Keep Your Medicine Legal & Prevent a Crackdown on REC

A Looming Crackdown on REC? The Associate Press reported on comments by White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer this week: The Justice Department will step …


The Trump Administration & Marijuana

The Future of Marijuana in the US I am one of the 65 million United States citizens that live in states that have legalized marijuana …


Marijuana Legalization is in Jeopardy

Sessions: The New Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who was recently recommended for the position of Attorney General under president elect Trump, could be the worst …

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