Transdermal Patch

Question and Answer

Where do I purchase transdermal patches?

We carry Transdermal patches here, at Here is a link for a 1:1 patch: Here is a link for a 3:1 patch: …

Question and Answer

Problem staying asleep, found a patch in CO that worked great. Why would patch work better than other methods

SInce I don’t know what the patch contains, its hard to know what it was. That said, a patch will slowly release the compounds that …


Chronic back pain.

"Is the patch effective for this? I’m just starting out with several products and I like the idea of a patch. When can I use …


Herniated L4-L5 discs with moderate chronic pain

"My 62 year old brother is 5 years into a Parkinson’s Disease diagnosis. He is stable for now while being treated by a neurologist with …


how can i get Cannabis Transdermal Patch for fibromyalgia

If you are looking specifically for a patch, Mary’s Medicinal is a commonly available product. Here is article about them: Alternatively, here are a …


Where can I get marijuana transdermal patch?

Mary’s medicinals sell a transdermal patch. You can check them out here: ryan You can get transdermal patches with us! We carry THC – …


I have fibromyalgia and a bad back. I am looking for a good pain patch. I cannot use fentanyl.

Fibromyalgia responds very well to marijuana. We have several articles you may be interested in: In terms of pain patches, the one transdermal patch …


Are marijuana transdermal patches more effective for pain than topical marijuana creams?

I would try both, depending on the area that needs relief from pain. Transdermal patches are designed to deliver compounds to the bloodstream, which will …


I have fibromyalgia which causes excessive electric shock type pain in my jaw etc.

"As I live in the U.K. (Where cannabis is still illegal in most areas) will I be able to buy the cannabis patch asits for …

Question and Answer

Where do I get the cannabis patch?

Hello, Denise from We carry a variety of patches from CBD as well as various ratios of THC. Most of our patients have reported …


Hi, Do you know how I can order transdermal cannibis patches in Toronto, Canada?

Hello, Denise from We carry CBD patches. I don’t know the laws around shipping CBD to Canada but I can look into it if …


Will transdermal patches for pain and inflammation interfear with warfarin?

Doctors that I have spoken with have expressed concerns about cannabis use and blood thinners. Our collective has a cannabis-friendly pharmacist as a consultant and …