Transdermal Patch


looking to buy CBD patch for inflammation. where can i buy them?

Hi there, This company makes patches: I would contact your nearest dispensary and or delivery service and see if they carry this product! Thank …


I would like to find a source for chronic back pain, would a patch help?

Hey there, I’m sorry to hear you have chronic back pain. I’ve heard the patches and topical creams have been helpful in managing pain. Patch …

Cannabis Law

Are cannibis patches legal in AR

Unfortunately the medical marijuana program in AR is not yet operational so it may be some time before you can obtain patches there legally. drbultman


Can a person travel to another State to obtain the pain patches?

Yes. But it’s complicated. If you live in a state that does not allow cannabis for medical use then bringing those pain patches back into …

Question and Answer

Canabis patch does it work for chrons disease

Hi there! Check out our article this article that you may find interesting – VeronicaB


can this patch be used to get off marijuana to ween off the weed like the nicotine patch

Well, it depends. The transdermal patches are designed for localized pain relief. If you are currently using cannabis to deal with localized pain, these may …


Do you have to have a medical marijuana card to get the cannibas patch?

"I was reading about the cannibas patch for diabetes pain and fibermyalgia. I have type 1 diabetes and was just diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I live …

Question and Answer

can i get transdermal patches in michigan

Hi there- Cannabis is legal for medicinal purposes in MI. Check out to see the requirements to qualify. A quick internet search turned up …

Question and Answer

Can overseas customers purchase transdermal patches from a US manufacturer?

Hi there-US-based manufacturers are prohibited by federal law from selling cannabis products overseas. If you will be visiting a legal state, such as CA, you …


Hi I heard that this patch helps diabetic nerve pain I was wondering where I can get it in Canada?

Hi there-Currently under Canada’s medical marijuana program, only cannabis flower and oils are available for purchase from licensed producers. Hopefully, a wider array of products …

Medicinal Cannabis

Can i get medical patch and id in New York?

Hi there- NY does allow for use of medicinal cannabis. You can read more about joining the state program here: Once you have obtained …


I have nerve damage from shingles.

" The doctors call it neuralgia. Will this transdermal patch help? I am in so much pain. " I’m so sorry to hear about your …