Transdermal Patch


Top 7 Cannabis Topicals Across the United States

As we age, life can be full of aches and pains. The most common is lower back pain, but you may ache after a workout, …


Why doesn’t THC enter the bloodstream with a bomb or patch? And if it doesn’t, what is the point of the THC ratio For pain relief?

"I don’t understand how the balms and patches work for pain" Transdermal cannabis products (such as patches) are formulated with specific carrier substances that allow …


Any problems going through customs while using this patch while flying out of Canada to Mexico?

We can’t provide you with legal advice, but it seems extremely unlikely that you would have issues with that. This patch is CBD heavy, and …


Consumption Methods Affect How Much Cannabis You Absorb

If you smoke or vape cannabis, you can feel the effects almost immediately. But you’ve probably noticed that nibbling on a cannabis-infused cookie can take …


Father’s Day Cannabis Gift Guide

PSA: Father’s Day is on June 17. Does Dad need help sleeping at night? Has he been complaining about an old injury? Does he have …


Cannabis Transdermal Patches: Medicate Through Your Skin

Cannabis transdermal patches are a new and unique way to experience the benefits of medical marijuana. You may be familiar with transdermal patches that administer …


How can I purchase these patches?

"@" Hi there! I am not sure which patches you are referring to specifically, but here are 2 you can check out. Siva: You …


Interactions Between the Neupro Patch and Cannabis

“The Neupro patch is being used to treat Parkinson’s disease. ” Hello and thank you for the great question about the Neupro patch. There is …

Question and Answer

What is the best transdermal marijuana patch?

Hi there! I have only personally used the SIVA patches, but I have found great relief from them. I’ve put them on my lower back, …


How often do transdermal cannabis patches have to be replaced?

It varies from person to person, based on body composition, cannabis use and level of pain but generally it lasts about 8-12 hours. helenanp


My mum is in severe pain. Can I get marijuana patches sent to the UK?

Unfortunately, it is illegal to send medical marijuana products to the UK. Not only is it illegal to ship cannabis products of any kind outside …

Cannabis Law

Are CBD patches legal in all states?

Nope, CBD products are not legal in all states. While CBD is still considered illegal under federal law, as it is derived from the cannabis …