

Top 7 Cannabis Topicals Across the United States

As we age, life can be full of aches and pains. The most common is lower back pain, but you may ache after a workout, …


Top 3 Marijuana Topicals for Back Pain

Desk chairs and driver’s seats dominate our daily lives and as a result, most adults at some point experience lower back pain. Luckily, cannabis’s anti-inflammatory …


Marijuana and Shingles

What Is Shingles? Shingles is a viral infection caused by the same virus as chickenpox, varicella-zoster. Shingles is a remnant from this virus that lays …


Cannabis for Increased Passion & Play, Part 2

This is the continuation of ‘Cannabis for Increased Passion & Play’ Part 1. Cannabis & Foreplay First things first, let’s do away with the term …


Shop Green: My Cannabis Holiday Gift Guide

We are pleased to have Brandy Petricka join us as our newest guest blogger on the HelloMD platform. She is a Mom, cannabis lover and …


Cannabis Soothes Arthritis Pain

DiDi Davis is founder of Sweet ReLeaf, a topical cannabis manufacturer located in California. Sweet ReLeaf has created one of the most effective and enjoyable …


Topicals: A Revelation in Treating Pain with Cannabis

HelloMD welcomes Andrea Brooks, our newest guest blogger. Andrea is the founder of Sava, the premier marketplace for high-quality, hand-crafted cannabis goods. Sava offers next …


Cannabis Topicals Provide Relief for Sore Muscles & Pain

This past winter, I seemed to be sick non-stop. As a result, my normal exercise regime wasn’t an option. So now that I’ve started back …