

Is there any way a friend in Texas can order and receive cannabis products?

"No further details" Your friend in Texas can order any of the products listed on our Hemp CBD menu. Just click the "Hemp CBD" button …


HI In the state of texas I can only carry less than 2 oz of pot. I would like to bring some gummies back with me but cant be more than 2 oz (pot). HOw many gummies can I bring back which is equlivant to 2 oz of pot ? thank you JPG

Hi there! I don’t think they meant you can carry 2oz of cannabis, or the equivalent amount of edibles: Comparing the THC content in 2 …


I live in Texas, have been using quality CBD oil from hemp but would be willing to come to Califormia for better pain treatment. I live in Texas. Would that be a possibility?

Yes you do not need a CA ID to obtain a CA recommendation. Once you are in CA, you would be able to speak with …


I am looking for a CBD product that will aid in my anxiety reduction.

"My paychiatrist currently has me on Zoloft, Ambien, and Lorazepam (when needed). It’s not working. Any suggestions? Side note: I live in Texas so my …


Can I use this service in Texas?

"I am a 22 year old with hyperthyroidism, and a messed up left hip I have delt with for years. My uncle is in the …

Question and Answer

Hello i was wonder if this also goes for texas

Question and Answer

Are you sending a product to Texas?

Question and Answer

If i live in texas can i order this product?


How do I buy medical cannabis oil if I live in Texas?

Unfortunately, cannabis (and its associated products) is strictly prohibited in Texas. The only way for you to legally access cannabis oil, would be to travel …


Do I need a prescription to purchase Sweet ReLeaf cream in Texas?

Unfortunately Sweet ReLeaf only operate in California. Here’s the info from their website. Sorry! https://getsweetreleaf.com/faq/ gabriella

Question and Answer

Is it possible to order Sweet ReLeaf cream online in Texas?

Unfortunately, you will not be able to ship Sweet Releaf to Texas as cannabis is not yet legal in your state and cannabis can not …


Can I buy CBD oil in Texas?

Check the laws in your state. Cannabis use is governed by state law. Even CBD-rich products which do not contain THC can fall under these …

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