

How to approach my doctor about using medical marijuana for crohns remission

"My son was diagnosed with crohns in 2011. He was mostly symptom free until December 2015 when he took an antibiotic for strep throat which …


Does cannabis interfere with anesthesia?

"The surgery is not scheduled till next week. Can I used cannabis for pain before my surgery? Will it interact with the anesthetic at all? …


Is it safe to smoke marijuana after cataract surgery?

While it has been shown that cannabis can lower the pressure inside your eye, medications to lower the intra-ocular pressure has been shown to be …


I'm having open heart surgery soon and I want to reduce my use of opioids post surgery. Is the use of cannabis safe?

"if OK, is smoking or vaping OK?" I think that’s an excellent idea. Studies have shown that cannabis use with opioids can decrease your opioid …


I just had hip replacement surgery. Is it ok to take cannabis along with prescription pain meds like Percocet?

"I don’t want to overdose or anything, but I really don’t want to get addicted to the pain meds as I heard this could happen." …


I am scheduled for surgery on my jaw next week. I am looking for alternative pain meds.

"My jaw will be wired shut for several weeks, and I don’t want to get addicted to opiates. I heard cannabis might be a good …

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