

Should I stop cbd tinture drops (once a day, 500 mg, one dropper full) before knee surgery?

Yes you should. One of the reasons is that CBD may have some effect of the cytochrome p-450 enxyme system. This enzyme system is responsible …


I am going in for surgery and my MD wants me to ask if 25mg of indica for sleep increases risk of bleeding.

Hello, Cannabis can increase your risk of bleeding as well as increasing other risk factors for surgery including changing blood pressure, heart rate, and possibly …

Question and Answer

I am going in for surgery. My MD wants me to find out if 25mg


Is it safe to take CBD the day before surgery where I will be receiving anesthesia?

@Perry Solomon, MD Should be able to address this question. He is an anesthesiologist by training. I will let him know about it. Good luck …


Looking for a medical marijuana to help with chronic back pain for my 72 year old father.

"He has arthritis, a degenerstive building disc, and spinal stenosis. He’s not a candidate for Surgery due to age, Parkinson’s, and diabetes. Tried many other …


I have a surgery scheduled this Thursday and pain pills make me really sick.

"How do I go about getting some medical marijuana?" It depends on where you live. If you live in California or New York you can …


I would like to get some help for pain after back surgery. Could Dr. Bugalilskis Suggest ideas for back pain?

"I would like to get some help as to what would help me for pain relief with my back. I can’t take any medication until …


What can you recommend for post-surgical pain from rotator cuff surgery?

You don’t mention how far post-op you are at this point. I recommend you take the drugs in the hospital for the first 48 hours, …


Is vaping MJ bad for bone fusion? I just had back surgery and titanium was used to fuse my vertebrae.


Will some form of Cannabis help with severe stenosis nerve pain and want to avoid fusion surgery

I’m sorry to hear about your terrible spinal stenosis pain. Avoiding surgery is possible but it is also wise to take into consideration that spinal …


I have Trigeminal Neuralgia and I'm in a lot of pain and don't want surgery. Is there a cannabis that can hel

Trigeminal neuralgia has both inflammatory and neuropathic components that may respond to cannabis. I would suggest a 1:1 tincture for two-three doses per day without …


Can I obtain a California medical marijuana card through your organization?

"I have prescriptions for insomnia (Lunesta, Valium) but have tried indica cannabis edible while in Colorado and found it more effective than prescriptions. I also …

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