

Might a rectal cannabis suppository help pudendal neuralgia pain?

"And is there such a thing as cannabis cream that can be used rectally, instead of a suppository?" It might. Rectal cannabis suppositories have been …


Where can I buy foria relief?

"I am having trouble finding foria suppositories, anyone know of a statewide delivery that carries these?" If you live in Colorado or California, you can …


colitis and CBD

"I have Ulcerative colitis, I am interested in using products like CBD that are not psycho-active, are there others products like this? I found a …


How do cannabis suppositories work exactly?

The rectal absoprtion of cannabis suppositories is very high, and maybe as high as 75%. Placement of the suppository will have an impact on the …

Question and Answer

I typically take medicinal candy containing 11mg THC and it lasts 5 – 7 hours

"My concern is if I take an anal suppository containing 60mg THC will it induce much stronger psychotropic effects? (which I would prefer it wouldn’t …


Foria Explore: for Anal Sex

Foria is a marijuana company that is constantly pushing the boundaries and its new product is entering a completely new territory. Foria Explore is a …


Getting Desperate with Breast Cancer MMJ

"My GF has stage four breast cancer. The doctors gave up on her. 3 and 1/2 weeks ago started her on a regimen (prescribed by …


I'm wondering if CBD could help with hemorrhoids?

"I have both internal and external hemorrhoids. Could a topical and or a suppository help manage the symptoms better or even get rid of them??" …


What feeling do these Foria suppositories produce?

"Has anyone tried these? What feeling do you get?" Foria Relief was (in the words of Foria) "intended to maximize the muscle relaxing and pain …


Is there a difference with the THC amount when its a suppository?

"I am sensitive to THC, so not sure that 60mg of THC would be a good idea. That’s the single dosage of this Foria product. …

Menstrual Cramps

Is this the same product as the suppositories?

"I am looking for the product advertised for menstrual cramps. My daughter suffers terribly with this problem. " I believe you are referring to Foria …

Question and Answer

I like to know what other products you suggest for Crohn's and if cannabis suppositories are a good option?

Medical cannabis infused rectal suppositories contain both THC and CBD and, in principle, the rectal insertion offers direct regional delivery of the cannabinoids to the …