

Searching for CBD in oil form (for tank of Vape pen)

"I am having a hard time finding a source for CBD in oil form (that I would put in a tank of Vape pen). I …


I take CBD oil sublingually. Do I need to shake the bottle before use?

"One bottle I didn’t shake and the last two doses I got a huge high. The next bottle I did shake but the last two …

Question and Answer

Is the effectiveness of a tincture altered by how you ingest it?

"Will my tincture be as effective if I put it on a piece of toast vs. in a liquid? Or, taken sublingually?" I recommend using …


Does sublingual CBD interact with smoking cessation medications? If yes, then how does one adjust both meds?

"I am taking 20:1 5mg CBD sublingually to deal with the inflammation aspect of lymphedema (s/p lymhadenectomy for endometroid cancer). Does the CBD have negative …

Question and Answer

How long does it take to feel the effects of a sublingual tincture?

Sublingual tinctures come in a variety of formulas. Alcohol based tinctures will be most rapidly absorbed and suble effects can be felt within minutes, and …