

Is it known if aquaponics biofilm can be used for rooting clones?

"Do you know of any study in this area?"


Studies Support Cannabis as an Effective Painkiller

As cannabis science continues to surge forward, many folks are talking less about being buzzed and more about their anterior cingulate cortex and the sensorimotor …


Study Finds 96% of Cancer Patients Improved With Cannabis

In a recently released Israeli study, an incredible 96% of cancer patients who took cannabis reported an improvement in symptoms. The study was published in …


Is Getting a Contact High From Cannabis Smoke a Myth?

Twenty years ago, Canadian snowboarder Ross Rebagliati made headlines at the Winter Olympics when he won the first gold medal in his sport. But he …


Studies Find Cannabis Can Protect Drinkers’ Livers

Cannabis and alcohol are the two most popular recreational substances around, so it’s not unusual to see the two consumed together. Still, news about the …


Study Shows Medical Marijuana Improves Brain Function

We’ve all heard the saying that consuming marijuana will kill brain cells and make you stupid. But what does the science actually say? What happens …


Studies Back Cannabis as a Way Out of the Opioid Crisis

As has been addressed numerous times on HelloMD, cannabis can be a viable replacement or supplement to opioids, and there are studies to support this: …


Studies Bust the Stereotype of the Lazy, Out-of-Shape Stoner

The negative stereotype that cannabis consumers are lazy with a bad case of the munchies still holds a firm place in many people’s minds—despite 64% …


Cannabis Users Have More Sex

Maybe you’ve noticed that you’re more in the mood since you started consuming cannabis. Maybe your partner says sex is more enjoyable after they’ve taken …


Can Cannabis Cause or Prevent Seizures?

Recent studies published within six months of each other make two diametrically opposed claims: One points to cannabis as the likely cause of seizures while …


Sign Dr. Oz's Petition to Increase Funding for Medical Marijuana

The opioid crisis rages on and yet critics of cannabis continue to call it a ‘gateway drug’. Dr. Mehmet Oz, in contrast to this, recently …


Would Dr. Sisley be willing to include survivors of abusive relationships in her cannabis/PTSD study?

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