

Will this product help with soft tissue and tendon strain at elbow from pitching a baseball?

THC(A)/CBD(A) products either as an edible, topical, or vaporized can help relieve some of the pains. Cannabis is its nature has anti-inflammatory properties. alternativeease Yes, …


What strain is best for daytime use?

"I use cannabis for stress and anxiety relief, but do not like feeling "sleepy" during the day. What strain would be best for mid-day use?" …


I have tried this and it really works for insomnia. The question I have is consistency.

"One bottle I tried worked one way, but the next bottle seemed very different. Are all bottles made with the same strains / types of …


Smoking marijuana helps with my anxiety but I can only smoke indica. What should I do?

"I have a lot of social anxiety and smoking helps me a lot and puts me at ease. My problem is that sativa strains seem …


What's a good strain to help with SSRI discontinuation symptoms (insomnia)?

There are many fantastic high-potency strains that you could most definitely benefit from. I am so glad that this question came across my screen today, …

Question and Answer

What is the best way to store my cannabis?

"I tend to like particular strains so when I find one that helps me the most I stock up. What would be the ideal place/temperature/etc.. …


What medical conditions are best treated with Sour Diesel? Is this a good choice for chronic pain?

"I’ve been smoking a high CBD strain, Harlequin, but want to try a higher THC strain now. Is Sour Diesel a good choice for chronic …

Question and Answer

I'm looking for a strain where the therapeutic effects last a long time. Would you suggest this one?

The duration of effect is related to the mechanism of delivery not strain-type. Inhaling cannabis results in active metabolites in your system for about 2-4 …

Question and Answer

I need a strain I can consumer during the day, but still be highly functional. Would this be a good fit?

Jack Herer is a sativa-dominant strain that is considered "clear-headed". It is not usually sedating. It has a relatively high concentration of THC and many …

Question and Answer

Eating and keeping down meals is a huge struggle right now. Would this strain help my improve my appetite?

Yes! That’s one of the beautiful side-effects of medicating with marijuana. Our bodies natural Cannabinoid system uses all of the compounds of the cannabis plant …


Harlequin is supposed to be CBD dominant but it still has THC. What effect should I expect to feel?

"I’m interested in a higher CBD strain. Who typically uses Harlequin and what is its effect?" Harlequin is hybrid strain bred to have more CBD …


I need pain relief for nerve damage but do not want to get stoned. Is Canna-Tsu a good strain for me?

"I am curious why someone chooses Canna-Tsu over another strain and if will help with chronic pain. I am trying to get off pain meds …

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