

If I am traveling out of state or overseas, can my medical cannabis be shipped to me?

"I live in New York. If I become a medical marijuana patient in New York, can I get my medicine if I’m out of the …


Can my medical cannabis be mailed or shipped to me within New York State?

No. You or your designated caregiver must pick up the medical cannabis in person with proper documentation. According to § 1004.13 Security requirements for manufacturing …


Is there financial assistance from New York State if I cannot afford to get my medical marijuana card?

No, unfortunately there is not financial assistance for the medical marijuana card at this time. It is also not covered by health insurance. julienp While …


Can I use an out of state marijuana card instead of obtaining a New York state one?

"I have a medical cannabis card from California, and will be visiting NY. Can I use this to get into dispensaries while on my trip? …


Can you recommend a mail delivery service that accepts California medical marijuana cards and out-of-state ID?

If you have proof of California residency such as a utility bill, lease etc with your name on it, you can order from Cannabizon at: …


How do you get a medical marijuana card in New York state?

"What are the qualifying conditions?" The best place to start would be here…… andrewvanmd There are four main steps to obtaining a medical marijuana …


Is there anyway to obtain medical marijuana if your state hasn't legalized yet?

The only legal way would be to travel to a state that has medical cannabis laws in place. For example, you could come to California …

Question and Answer

How can I get my recreational card in Washington State ?

Washington state has legalized marijuana for personal use which means you do not need to obtain a card/recommendation to purchase marijuana from a dispensary or …


How do I get a prescription in Tennessee?

"I’d like to get cannabis CBD products for seizures and PTSD. Do I need to travel to another state?" Tennessee permits hemp-derived CBD products. Hemp …


How do I get a California state medical ID card?

"I have a card from HelloMD. Can I use that to get medical marijuana ID from Alameda County in California? I’m told that with that …

Cannabis Law

Which states have 'cannabis reciprocity laws' in place?

"Reciprocity meaning: if you have a card from a different state, you can use your card in a state with reciprocity laws. " Ultimately, you …


How can I get a California State ID while maintaining my driver's license from another state?

"I moved from Colorado to California, and maintain both Medical Marijuana Cards. (thanks for the rec, HelloMD) That being said, several dispensaries within California will …