

If I lived in a state where it was medically legalized, could it help my pain from


With medical cannabis not legal in my state any suggestions on how to test products for medical needs?

Hi there! Unfortunately, because it’s illegal to transport cannabis across state lines, the only legal way you have of trying products would be to travel …


What strains and delivery system is best for prevention of migraines?

"I have chronic migraines and have just moved to a state that allows medical marijuana but not sure where to start. " Hi there! Migraines …


What benefit will this card be to a patient that does not also apply for a state ID ?

This article goes over some of the benefits of having a medical marijuana recommendation (MMR). I know from some news sources (SF Chronicle) that …


Can I use an out of state ID?

"I moved from Virginia to California over the summer but I do not have a California license yet. Can I still buy recreational? What about …


How can I use my HelloMD medical card to get a CA state medical card?

Not sure if you’ve already been here, but this website has some info under "I am a qualified patient. How and what documentation do I …

Question and Answer

Will my current recomendation that I just renewed in September, be sufficient for the state MMIC?

Yes! All medical recommendations (rec) are valid until their expiration date. You don’t need to get a new rec for the new year, or if …


Can I use this service in Texas?

"I am a 22 year old with hyperthyroidism, and a messed up left hip I have delt with for years. My uncle is in the …


Can my friend in michigan state obtain a card?

Medicinal Cannabis

Are the medical authorizations valid in every state? Washington State specific.

No. The recommendation that is issued in California is only valid for California. The recommendations that are issued in each state are only valid in …


I am in Georgia are there any products allowed for people who live in my State with health issues?

Hello. Looks like Georgia’s medical cannabis laws are pretty strict. You only qualify if you have one of 15 qualifying health conditions (just expanded from …

Question and Answer

In CA and going to KS for Xmas. How difficult is it to get CBD's into state?