

Hello, I have my MM card in NJ, I was wondering if you guys sell or know who sells items with THC to NJ. Im asking because the dispensaries in NJ have a very very small selection of stuff and wanted to buy from outside the state. Thank you for your tine

"No further "


HI In the state of texas I can only carry less than 2 oz of pot. I would like to bring some gummies back with me but cant be more than 2 oz (pot). HOw many gummies can I bring back which is equlivant to 2 oz of pot ? thank you JPG

Hi there! I don’t think they meant you can carry 2oz of cannabis, or the equivalent amount of edibles: Comparing the THC content in 2 …


How much CBD do I need to take in order to help with my chronic pain?

"Is there a difference between different types of CBD? I am new to cannabis and have struggled with chronic pain for some time following a …


Can CBD help me with the stress I feel day in and out?

"Sometimes I feel anxiety and sometimes just stress, but I want to know if cannabis can help me. I don’t live in a state where …


Is there any evidence that CBD helps with anxiety and what way is best for me to consume it?

"I don’t live in a legal marijuana state, but I have terrible anxiety and have heard that CBD derived from the hemp plant may be …


What are the medical or health benefits of CBD and is it worth trying?

"I live in a state where marijuana is not legal. I want to try CBD and have heard that CBD from the hemp plant may …

Cannabis Law

Qualifications for MM Card

"I suffer from shoulder pain/back pain; anxiety/panic attacks and hand tremors (Essential Tremors). I reside in NY state. Would any of these qualify me for …


Are your recommendations accepted by state government? Or doctors?


Is there a CA state issued medical cannabis card that exempts you from the new taxes?

"I just went to a dispensary in Santa Cruz and was charged 32% tax. The people there said the tax is for medical and recreational …


How do I register my medical cannabis recommendation with the State of California?

Hi there! To apply for the state Medical Marijuana Identification Card (MMIC) you need to apply with your county. Check here to find your local …


Is the Hello MD medical recommendation recognized by the State of California?

Absolutely. All of our physicians are licensed by California and the recommendations are recognized by the state. If you wish to ontain a medical cannabis …


Am I allowed to use an out of state I.D to purchase recreational?

Yes, one can use an out of state ID, but the valid state ID must prove you are at least 21 years old. CLaurents …