

4 Cannabis Strains for Better Workouts

As cannabis’s popularity reaches new heights, an increasing number of professional athletes are coming forward to discuss their marijuana use when it comes to their …


Feeling the Burn With MoonMan's Mistress

Last Sunday, 30 pro-cannabis fitness enthusiasts, including a couple of HelloMD staffers, joined Moonman’s Mistress—maker of healthy, whole-food marijuana edibles—for its second Burn and Baked …


Ex-NFL Player Eben Britton: Cannabis Can Save the League Millions

Eben Britton played six seasons in the National Football League (NFL): four years for the Jacksonville Jaguars and two years for the Chicago Bears. Like …


Super Bowl Champ Marvin Washington Talks Cannabis & the NFL

Marvin Washington spent 11 years as a defensive end in the National Football League (NFL) with the New York Jets, San Francisco 49ers and the …


What strains would you recommend for sports enhancement?

"I’ve used sativas such as Fruit Punch and Green Crack in replacement of my pre-workout gym shake and have had great effects however, I am …


5 Easy Ways to Treat Your Sports Injury

Sports injuries are extremely common. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control, 2011–2014 saw an annual average of 8.6 million sports and recreation-related …


Cannabis Use in Sports from Medieval to Modern Times

Cannabis use in the athletic world has received a lot of press lately due to many professional athletes coming out of the closet regarding their …


3 Popular Questions About Marijuana & Sports Answered

It might seem counterintuitive to think of cannabis as a sports performance enhancer, but that’s just what some athletes are discovering. Professional athletes and weekend …


How Cannabis Affects Sports Performance & Recovery

Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast or a professional athlete, the concept of using substances to enhance performance and recover from a hard workout or injuries …


10 Fun Activities to Try When Smoking Marijuana

Higher amounts of THC put the modern cannabist at greater risk of falling into a state of marijuana-induced couch-lock. Some of my favorite experiences have …

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