

What would be the best to use for pain relief for my herniated discs and compressed nerves in my spine.

Hello! Extensive clinical research has shown that a 1:1 CBD:THC ratio is most effective for neuropathic pain. CBD is a potent anti-inflammatory agent and THC …


I have horrible phantom pain & nerve pain. What can I use to help?

"I’m 3.5 months post-operative right hand amputee and I’ve also have had 6 back surgeries with hardware in my spine I need something that’s going …


Can CBD oil alone help with pain or does it need to have THC in it to be effective?

"I suffer from Tarlov Cyst on my lower spine and my husband has painful neuropathy in both feet. " CBD oil alone may help with …


Is "Sweet ReLeaf" effective w/applied to spine fracture pain?

Topically-applied products can be a great way to achieve pain relief and they have few side effects, so yes they can be an excellent option. …


Chronic pain in my back and PMR

"I crushed my t12 in my spine 2 yrs ago and have chronic pain in my back. I also have PMR which is polymyalgia ruematica. …


I have a severed spine at T5 and a nuerapthy pain arthritis


I'm having severe neck and spine pain but very sensitive and not sure what to try first plus have anxiety?

Edibles, like candy and Tinctures are incredible for rheumatoid arthritis as they are sublingual and therefore enter directly into the bloodstream and are great pain …


I am having spine nerve pain that teaches into my left leg and knee and is quite severe.

"Is their a CBD oil/vap product that could help this condition?" Yes cannabis is very helpful for neuropathic pain. I would try a sublingual tincture …


Can I get medical marijuana card in Virginia ?

"If so, what are the qualifying conditions, and what type of cannabis can I access? " Unfortunately, the passage of the law HB1445 within your …


First time using a topical cream for pain.

"I cannot tolerate any strong prescription pain meds. I have bought a topical compound of EMU cream with 120CBD, 60MG THC and used it on …


Remicade and Cannabis interactions.

"Hello, my mother has a rare form of sarcoidosis in her spine. The virus has greatly weakened her ability to use her legs and get …


I am diagnosed with Adhesive Arrachnoiditis.

"From some research I found out that Epidural injections are the cause. I had an Epidural injection in 2008 and 2010. When I complained about …

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