

Best CBD for sleep


What recommendations do you have for both sleep as well as a upper/lift feeling?

1:1 THC-CBD extracts provide the most therapeutic relief across all categories. Some people find that CBD may relax them, however, a high THC tincture is …

Question and Answer

How can I avoid the sleepiness associated with increasing my dose of CBD and THC?

"Hello, I am a cancer patient and started taking CBD/THC oil about 3 weeks ago. I am having a difficult time with increasing the dose. …


Does CBD cause sleep disturbance?

"I’m taking a 20:1 high-CBD tincture in a low dose (.5mg) that is helping my daytime anxiety, but it is disrupting my sleep. I wake …


Will cannabis help sleep and anxiety issues?

Yes cannabis is very helpful for sleep and anxiety. These conditions are often closely related and treating one often helps the other. A whole plant …


Is CBN the best marijuana product when all you want is to go to sleep — no other impact?

yes but don’t expect the cbn to be very high. 0.25%:CBN could be plenty with a balanced cannabinoid profile from a nice full term indica …


Can cannabis be used to treat a sleep walking disorder?

Sleepwalking, formally known as somnambulism, results in walking or performing other complex behaviors while asleep; it is much more common in children than in adults; …


What can you recommend to calm internal tremors without making me sleepy?

"I have "Internal Tremors and Vibrations". I’m trying to find a product which will calm my vibrations. I use "AYA" Slumber and it helps me …


my friend has 1:1 CBD:THC pills that r 2.5 mg each they r from a dispensary. will they work 2 help her sleep?

"This is for my mom who doesn’t smoke or tried marijuana in her life. " I have difficulty with anything with THC when it comes …

Question and Answer

What is good powerful strain for sleep apnea?

Several more conservative and safe interventions should be attempted to help with insomnia related to sleep apnea before considering any cannabis product. First, you should …


Sleep disorder … exhaustion

"I need serious help with my sleep disorder. I don’t get any restorative sleep and typically get only 2-3 restless hours despite the fact I …


I have trouble going to sleep and staying asleep. What can I do to help this problem? Thanks

I have recently tried the hmblt Sleep vaporizer pen and it is one of the best oils I have used for sleep. It is on …

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