Skin Care


CBD for Youthful, Glowing Skin

Ah, the ignorance of youth. When I was in my teens and 20s, I washed my face with whatever was on sale at the drug …


DIY Recipe: Rehydrating CBD-Infused Face Oil

Go on any beauty blogger’s Instagram feed or YouTube channel, and you’ll probably see them moisturize their face with oil as part of their skin …


All About Topical CBD & How it Sinks Into the Skin

When people think about cannabis, they usually imagine someone smoking a joint or eating a pot brownie, not rubbing a non-psychoactive marijuana-infused lotion on their …


Clean Beauty: Vertly’s Nourishing Hemp CBD Products

Can a high-powered fashion editor from New York easily transition into being a cannabis entrepreneur living in the woods of Northern California? If you ask …


Beauty Inside & Out: Verte Essentials Hemp Botanicals

Designed to create beauty on the inside as well as the outside, Verte Essentials is the brainchild of Blair Lauren Brown, who’s also the founder …


Oh, My Aging Skin: How CBD Can Help

I’ve never wanted to be that mature woman whose response to “How are you?” was “Oh, my aching back.” I also didn’t want to look …


How Cannabis Can Help Treat & Prevent Dry, Chapped Skin

Being windswept looks good in photos, but rarely feels good. Think about how much the wind and other elements affect our outer layer; chapped leather …


5 Ways to Use Cannabis for Summer Skincare

DiDi Davis is Founder of Sweet ReLeaf, a topical cannabis manufacturer located in California. Sweet ReLeaf has created one of the most effective and enjoyable …


The 3 Most Common Skin Conditions Cannabis Can Help

DiDi Davis is Founder of Sweet ReLeaf, a topical cannabis manufacturer located in California. Sweet ReLeaf has created one of the most effective and enjoyable …