

What types of cannabis and ratios are people using for MS – Multiple Sclerosis?

"Symptoms: bilateral running leg pain from hips to feet; urine retention (cathing 5-6 times/day); weakness and pain in legs (constant), fatigue." Hi there! Please check …

Question and Answer

I am new to this….my Dr suggests "Tincture"? Does Running Wolf carry this?

Hi there! It is possible that you would be able to find tinctures are Running Wolf. There are a variety of tinctures available in California, …


Can I take CBD or THC regularly to eliminate the pain from no knee cartilage and stay active running, etc?

I am not a doctor, so this represents my opinion and experience only. The answer to your question is yes, you can use CBD and …


Cannabis and Running: What Is "Runner's High"

Have you ever considered smoking marijuana before going on a nice long run? If you’re like most people, the idea is practically laughable. Many of …