
Question and Answer

How do I renew my card?


I need an appointment with facetime – just paid my renewal fee online – patient# 2f1dbf.

Question and Answer

My card expires today. Can I just renew

Question and Answer

My card expires today. Csn I just renew it?

Question and Answer

Need to renew my card today for EC

Question and Answer


Question and Answer

How do I renew my recommendation


my card expires 2/12/18 does it auto renew or do i have to do something my condition has not changed

Medical Recommendation

I need to renew my medical recommendation as it expires tomorrow??

Question and Answer

do i have to be a resident of CA to renew my card. im just on vacation here and would like to renew


how do i pay for renewal

This is easy. When you enter the process to renew your card you will be asked to go through your medical history and make any …

Question and Answer

how do renew?

This is easy! Go to HelloMD and sign into your account. If you are within the 60 day window you should be prompted to renew …

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