

Can child services take away a newborn baby if the mother used medical marijuana while pregnant?

CPS retains the rights to remove a newborn baby if they determined that the child might be harmed in any manner while under your care …


Can you smoke while pregnant?

There have been many many studies that show that smoking cannabis while pregnant or breastfeeding can lead to detrimental effects of the newborn. There has …


If you use a THC/CBD infused bath while pregnant does THC/CBD get to your baby?

In theory, if cannabis is against your skin for a length of time, small amounts could soak into the bloodstream, which would then cross into …


Can I get medical marijuana card in Virginia ?

"If so, what are the qualifying conditions, and what type of cannabis can I access? " Unfortunately, the passage of the law HB1445 within your …


Trying to conceive

"Hello, I am a male (30 years old) and I am trying to conceive with my wife. I suffer from anxiety which is why I …


Is Marijuana Dangerous?

Is It Safe… Marijuana is a substance that receives a lot of press, both positive and negative. Sometimes it is hard to sift true scientific …


I am 6 months pregnant and have a lot of lower back pain. Can I use this product?

There are a lot more studies coming out about cannabis and pregnancy – though not much in the terms of cannabis topicals yet. I can …


Is it safe to use CBD products during pregnancy?

"Can you recommend cannabis products that are safe for use while pregnant?" This topic has been addressed several times. There is not enough data to …


Can you use these products while pregnant or breastfeeding?

"I’m six months pregnant and have lower back pain. I’d like to try cannabis to see it can help. " I am not a doctor, …


I'm 10 weeks pregnant and have morning sickness. Can marijuana help with the nausea?

"My morning sickness lasts all day long and I’m totally drained. " Marijuana may be helpful for nausea in general. However, it is currently not …


Is there any truth to marijuana negatively affecting sexual function in men?

"My husband recently started using marijuana to help with the pain from an old football injury. He’s 32 years old and I’m concerned that this …


I suffer from really bad cramps and PMS. Can marijuana help with this?

"I’ve tried different types of birth control, advil, etc. and nothing really helps. If marijuana can help, what kind of strain or product should I …