

Is It Safe for Pregnant Women to Take CBD?

Cannabidiol (CBD) has well-documented benefits for many health conditions. Research shows that this calming cannabinoid works with the body’s natural system of endocannabinoid receptors to …


Pregnant….Edibles vs Gabapentin?

"Hello, I am pregnant with severe nausea and Fibromyalgia symptoms. I currently take Gabapentin to manage these symptoms, but am told that it’s bad for …


Pregnant….Edibles vs Gabapentin?

"Hello, I am pregnant with severe nausea and Fibromyalgia symptoms. I currently take Gabapentin to manage these symptoms, but am told that it’s bad for …


Pregnant….Edibles vs Gabapentin?

"Hello, I am pregnant with severe nausea and Fibromyalgia symptoms. I currently take Gabapentin to manage these symptoms, but am told that it’s bad for …


Should I Stop Taking Cannabis if I’m Trying to Conceive?

Cannabis legalization means more and more people are able to take marijuana medicinally and recreationally. But as cannabis consumption increases, many are wondering what affect …


Cannabis use during pregnancy

"Hi there my sister recently found out she is pregnant. She uses cannabis daily to help with anxiety and sleep. I have come across conflicting …


Planning on a pregnancy

"I weaned myself off of an antidepressant medication, Paxil, by using MMJ. I was taking Paxil because of depression and anxiety. I was wondering, if …


What is the safest way to consume THC while pregnant to deal with hyperemesis gravidarum?

"I’m suffering from severe nausea and vomiting." THC should NOT be used while pregnant. All forms of THC can have an effect on the fetus. …


How do I find out if I will be drug tested during pregnancy and whether my baby will be tested at birth?

"Where do I find out how I’m drug tested while pregnant (and my baby at birth) for marijuana? I am only using CBD currently, but …


If I use Foria THC and get pregnant will there be defects to the fetus?

If you are using systemic THC, i.e. products that go into the bloodstream, then it is safest to avoid cannabis during pregnancy. Fortunately, during very …


is it dangerous to smoke cannabis while taking oral birth control?

Marijuana research is tightly regulated, because on a federal level, it is illegal. Seven states and the District of Columbia have adopted the most expansive …


Am I allowed to smoke while pregnant with my card? Legally

The research on marijuana use during pregnancy is very limited and conflicting in conclusions. Some studies show that cannabis use has been associated with premature …