

pinch nerve pain, in legs what do i need

While there is no best cannabis product, there is probably a best ratio of CBD:THC to suit your goals. Products with higher concentrations of CBD …


I am interested in growing my own marijuana to consume in smoothies.

"Most of the reading I have done about growing emphasizes flowers and buds. I am wondering if pinching off the buds will yield more leaves …


Can cannabis make your face and/or body feel numb?

"I drank a small quantity, half a glass (2.5 mls of a 5 milligram serving size), of a tincture that had caffeine (mate), maca and …


What strain of edible Cannibas works good for pinch nerve relieve?

"I wanted to see what works good for nerve pain relieve. I’m not a smoker but I do eat the edible indica Strains. The nerve …