

Why You Shouldn't Get Your Dog High

From relaxation to relief from chronic pain and many other conditions, marijuana has a host of benefits for humans. But for pets, cannabis is a …


Who let the dogs out?



CBD for Dogs

"Is there a way that dogs can consume CBD without raising serotonin levels? Specifically for dogs with high anxiety levels." Hi there! I think there …


Is CBD safe for cats? Does it relieve pain for them?

"I think my cat has kidney failure. Before she came to me she was fed dry cat food. She now urinates copiously and spends time …


Keeping Your Pet Healthy With Hemp-Derived CBD

If you’re a pet owner, you know that sinking feeling when your furry friend just isn’t acting alright. Maybe they’re not eating with abandon like …


CBD Dog Treats

"I have two dogs with differing arthritic diagnosis. One is a 65 lb lab and the other is a 110 lb Rottie/Mastiff mix. How many …


How many treats…per bag…per dog?

"I have two dogs. A 65 lb lab and a 120 lb Mastiff/Rottie mix. How many treats do I give each dog and how many …


6 Holistic Home Remedies for Your Pets

Pet owners know the deal. We’ll go to any lengths to make sure our furry family members are happy and healthy. And it’s only fair …


Using CBD to Take Care of Your Pet’s Anxiety

Human beings aren’t the only ones who can suffer from anxiety: Your pet can get anxious, too. Dogs, cats and many other animals such as …


Nourish to Flourish: Holistic Hound Hemp Oil Products

Heidi Hill founded Holistic Hound pet store in 2003 in Berkeley, California, to blend her two passions: animals and holistic health care. With a focus …


Cannabis for cats

"What is the best ratio of cbd/thc for a 12 year old cat with a cancerous tumor? She’s about 9lbs. " Hello, I’m sorry to …


A Holistic Approach to Pet Health That Includes Cannabis

In urbanized areas across the country, a growing number of people are buying organic produce, eating less processed foods and seeking out alternative therapies for …

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