Peripheral Neuropathy


Fibromyalgia, Neuropathy & Cannabis: Adrion’s Success Story

Patient: Anne Walters, age 53 **Health conditions: **Fibromyalgia, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, severe chronic pain, anxiety Solution: CBD via tincture and a vaporizer in combination with …


Can CBD oil alone help with pain or does it need to have THC in it to be effective?

"I suffer from Tarlov Cyst on my lower spine and my husband has painful neuropathy in both feet. " CBD oil alone may help with …


Can THC:CBD cream be used for peripheral neuropathy of unknown etiology?

A CBD or CBD with THC cream can be used for superficial muscle pain or superficial nerve pain in 20 minutes. When the nerve pain …


What type of cannabis can you recommend for cancer induced peripheral neuropathy?

Was the peripheral neuropathy caused by the cancer are by the chemotherapy to treat the cancer? If you are experiencing peripheral neuropathy it is usually …

Peripheral Neuropathy

Should i use a cannabis topical or oral treatment for postherpetic neuralgia?

Yes, CBD is very effective for all neuropathy and can be used topically and orally. The dose is different for each person so after starting …


Is there a topical CBD that can help my neuropathy?

Hello there, I’d like to state that i’m not a Dr, I own a cannabis delivery service in Marin County. CBD products that are topical …


Can CBD help my neuropathy?

Yes. Neuropathic pain is caused by a type of peripheral nerve damage. CBD and other non-psychoactive cannabinoids may assist in helping neuropathy. Cannabidiol has been …


I have residual neuropathy from chemotherapy. W


What kind of CBD oils are good for arthritis, diabetes, and neuropathy?

"What kind of CBD oil I would need for severe pain in my lower back from osteo and rheumatoid arthritis. Also what kind of CBD …


I have Trigeminal Neuralgia. It's bee somewhat under control with relatively low pain level.


What can I use for break through pain from Trigeminal Neuralgia?

"I am already using 20:1 4 times a day, 1:1 at bedtime. I have 3:1 that was recommended for break through pain which has not …

Peripheral Neuropathy

Trigeminal neuralgia

Are you asking if med cannabis can be used for peripheral neuropathy? There are multiple studies in the literature that look at cannabis products (more …