Period Pain


How CBD Can Help Relieve Endometriosis Pain

In endometriosis, the cells that form the lining of the uterus (the endometrium) occur outside of the organ, in places like the ovaries or Fallopian …


5 Alternative Approaches to Managing Painful Periods

Painful periods have plagued women of all backgrounds for millennia. Yet for something that’s so frequently experienced, the scientific evidence on how to alleviate this …


Women’s Health & Marijuana: PMS, Dysmenorrhea & Menopause

Whether it’s feeling depressed in the days leading up to your period, experiencing painful cramps during menstruation or lying in bed awake due to hot …


Is Cannabis Less Effective During Your Period?

Cannabis has proven to be effective in managing and relieving pain. As such, it makes sense that cannabis may also bring relief to women suffering …

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