

Can I take 500mg of Hemp oil while on a prednisone taper?

I do not believe there is any significant interaction between cannabis and corticosteroids and see no reason to avoid "hemp oil" while tapering prednisone. drelkind


Hydrocephalus in Ohio

"How do I get a medical Marijuana card for a minor who has water on the brain in Ohio? Ive been searching for how to …

Alzheimer's Disease

CBD for motor problems in dementia?

"I have read this: (copy paste) ‘To treat movement problems (Huntington’s disease, Parkinson’s, dementia): 3 to 5 mg of CBD oil per pounds of body …


CBD oil and Effexor, side effects?

"I’ve been taking Effexor 50 mg once a day for about 4 years now, and I’m wanting to try CBD oil. I wanted to know …


Which is best? Cannabis seed oil or black seed oil?


i need to know if there is a interaction with CBD oil and warfarin


I would like to know if smoking cannabis interacts with warfarin in the same way that CBD oil does?

Hi there! You should inform your treating physician if you would like to use cannabis while taking blood thinners such as Warfarin. Please see these …


Can I take Cbd oil with Lorezapem?

CBD and other cannabinoids may block off the Cytochrome P450, which are a group of enzymes in the liver. Cytochrome P450 help metabolize most drugs, …


My dog has extreme anxiety when I use my wood burning heating stove. Would CBD oil help with canine anxiety?

The anatomy of animals is not much different than humans which makes the ailments and treatments almost similar. Nonetheless, I recommend you to use CBD …

Blood Pressure

How long should a scleroderma patient take THC oil for and is it contra-indicated with prescription drugs?

"Hello, a friend has scleroderma&is being treated with:Setraline 100mg(anti-depressant),lisinopril 5mg(for hypertension)& hydroxychloquine sulfate 20g(antirheumatic).She will soon start a course of THC oil with the intention …


Suffering from insomnia. Indica 10mg gummy bears not helping.

"Should I increase mg? Also bought CBD oil – does not help it gives me asthma feeling." Hi, there are many people who don’t get …


What are the effects of alcohol and cbd oil?

Hi there! This is an interesting question that has previously been addressed by Dr. Sharon Olson; please check out her answer here: ashleigh

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