

What are the laws for medical marijuana in Ohio?

"I’m considering applying for a medical marijuana card here in Ohio, but I am on the fence about it. I suffer from Crohn’s disease, and …


What are the best medical marijuana dispensaries in Ohio?

“I’m interested in cannabis, and I live in Ohio. What are some of the best medical marijuana dispensaries in the state?” Samantha G. There are …

Medical Marijuana

Can I smoke marijuana in Ohio?

“I want to purchase medical marijuana flower. Can I smoke marijuana in Ohio?” Cassie D. If you meet the qualifying conditions for the state and …

Medical Marijuana

What are the best Ohio medical marijuana companies?

“I’m moving to Ohio from California and I am a bit concerned about the state of weed culture there. I know, for example, that medical …


The 5 Best Medical Marijuana Edibles in Ohio

Edibles are a user-friendly way to consume cannabis for new and experienced medical marijuana patients. But, you’ve probably heard at least one unfortunate story of …


The 5 Best Medical Marijuana Products for PTSD in Ohio

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health disorder people develop after they experience or witness a traumatic event. In the United States, around 15 …


Best medical marijuana dispensaries in Ohio?

What are the best medical marijuana dispensaries in Ohio? Sharon W. There are a lot of great dispensaries in Ohio. When choosing a dispensary, it …

medical card

Consequences of getting a medical card in Ohio?

I’m thinking about getting my medical marijuana card but I’m nervous about giving out my information. What are the consequences of having a medical card …


The Top 5 Medical Marijuana Products for PTSD in Ohio

Most people experience at least one traumatic event or situation during their lifetime, but about 20 percent of trauma survivors experience long-lasting effects that can …


What are the Qualifying Conditions for Medical Marijuana Cards in Ohio?

I suffer from chronic migraines and I’ve heard cannabis can help. What are the qualifying conditions to get medical marijuana cards in Ohio? Molly T. …

Cannabis Law

Can you legally grow medical marijuana in Ohio?

I live in Ohio and I have my medical marijuana card. Can I legally grow marijuana for personal use? Zach K. No, unfortunately it’s not …

Medical Marijuana

What are the best medical marijuana strains for sleep in Ohio?

I’ve heard cannabis can help with insomnia. What are the best strains I can buy in Ohio to help me sleep? Cindy W. ————————— Cannabis …