

10 Award-Winning Strains in Legal Recreational Cannabis States

From Alaska to Maine, here are some of the most popular and award-winning cannabis strains in states that have adult-use marijuana laws on the books. …


I would like to know the best ratio for helping in cancer and where to buy. Live in Nevada


Can medical card from California cover Nevada?

Hello there. Medical cards are only valid in the state where they’re issued. Let us know if you have any further questions! gabriella Hi! With …


How Much Does Marijuana Cost? It Depends

If you live in a state where you can legally purchase cannabis and take a trip to your local dispensary to pick up some flower, …

Cannabis Law

Marijuana is now legal in Nevada for medical cardholders or not. What are the pros and cons of this system?

Hi, The 2013 Legislature passed Senate Bill 374 allowing Medical Marijuana in the state of Nevada for qualifying patients. A patient must be diagnosed with …

Medicinal Cannabis

hello, i have SLE and RA. I reside in Nevada. Can I obtain a Medical Card online? thank you.


I obtained my card when in California, and now reside in Nevada. What is the procedure for obtaining a card

"For Nevada?" Hi there! To get a medical recommendation in NV, you’ll need to visit or find a service with a NV licensed doctor. You …


Nevada Runs Out of Marijuana

Nevada Goes Rec Nevada has faced some recent issues with the implementation of their recreational marijuana market. Medicinal cannabis has been available in Nevada, but …


Applying for a medical cannabis card for the state of Nevada?

"Can you provide a California card to me if I reside in Nevada? What is the process to get one?" We certainly can, but you …

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