what is the best cbd oil for relief of peripheral neuropathy
"it is not caused by diabetes" Hi there! There is a significant amount of research showing that Sativex — an oromucosal spray with 1CBD:1THC — …
What products is better for Diabetes Type 2 with diabetic nerve pain and diabetes neuropathy
Hello, There was a very recently published randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study (the gold-standard of study design) which found that in humans: THCV significantly decreased fasting …
How much CBD Oil should be taken for diabetic neuropathy
Hello, Cannabis helps thousands of people deal with neuropathic pain. In fact, in New York — which has only approved medical cannabis for a very …
Help with diabetic peripheral neuropathy pain please.
Neuropathy is an approved diagnosis for medical cannabis in NY state. As diagnoses vary in each state, I first advise logging onto the Health Commerce …
My oncologist recommended 200mg/200mg THC/CBD creme cream for neuropathy pain-will it help?
You may want to try the products at or in a local dispensary within your state. There is a topical balm with 700mg of …
Which type of Cannabis and what formulation are good for moderate to severe neuropathic pain?
"Sciatic nerve (specifically, L5 and S1 nerves) is damaged due to cancer treatment (cryoablation) causing moderate to severe neuropathic pain in the foot, specifically in …
Cannabis Tinctures for Nerve Pain
“One of my relatives has been suffering from nerve pain. He says it’s just his left side, and it feels like burning pins and needles. …
What is available to help the pain of neuropathy?
Hi there! This is a common complaint that many people use cannabis to manage. Please check out the following search results that came up when …
"Hello, I have been using cannabis for chronic pain for some time as a result of encephalitis (LYME). My daily symptoms include (neuropathic) headaches, sleep …
I am having problems with peripheral neuropathy…
"The condition causes chronic pain and muscle spasms. I have begun taking 15mg of CBD oil capsules 3x per day. It has given me some …
Can CBD oil alone help with pain or does it need to have THC in it to be effective?
"I suffer from Tarlov Cyst on my lower spine and my husband has painful neuropathy in both feet. " CBD oil alone may help with …
Can THC:CBD cream be used for peripheral neuropathy of unknown etiology?
A CBD or CBD with THC cream can be used for superficial muscle pain or superficial nerve pain in 20 minutes. When the nerve pain …