

Is an alcohol based cannabis tincture safe to use in conjunction with morphine, larazepam and Prozac for a cancer patient?

Hello, Yes, there is no need for concern about drug interactions, nor the miniscule amount of alcohol. I wish you well. drkim


I am have currently just weened myself off all opioid medications first time in 9 years.

"I am in Ohio and our program keeps getting pushed back. Now I can’t function. Migraines, vertigo and chronic leg pain have made me housebound …


can I get certified if I'm currently taking an opioid medication?

Hello, Taking opiates would not preclude you from obtaining a medical cannabis recommendation. In fact, cannabis should help pain patients reduce the dose of or …


Can tincture used for pain after heart surgery instead of opioid?

Hi there! This is not an uncommon question in the HelloMD Community. The bottom line is that you should speak with your surgeon and/or cardiologist …


The Long History of Opioid Abuse in the United States

In the last few years, it seems as if the call for a solution to the rampant opioid addiction or what is commonly referred to …